peter nesteruk (home page: contents and index) 


Some Relevant Publications:




Selected Articles in Books and Journals:



The Transgressive Turn: American Writing of the late 1980s and early 1990s, Borderlines: Studies in American Culture, 2. 4 (1995) pp. 331-350.


Interpreting Architecture: New York, 1900-1940, Over Here: Reviews in American Studies, 17. 1 (1997) pp. 114-126. Special Issue on Visual Culture & Modernism.


The Many Deaths of Emily Dickinson, The Emily Dickinson Journal, VI.1 (1997) pp. 25-43.

*Top ten and often most-frequently down-loaded article on ED in 2010-12. Most frequently down-loaded in 2014 (Project MUSE).

*Recommended by Literary History and Perspectives in American Literature (PAL) on-line research resources.


The Incest Theme in American Writing: Two Hundred Years in the Life of a Literary Motif, Borderlines: Studies in American Culture, 4. 4 (1997) pp. 358-380.


Ritual, Sacrifice & Identity in Recent Political Drama, Journal of Dramatic Theory & Criticism, XV.1 (2000) pp. 21-42.

*Recommended reading for English Degree at Prague University.


When Space is Time: The Rhetoric of Eternity: Hierarchy & Narrative in Late-medieval and Renaissance Art, in Gerhard Jaritz & Gerson Moreno-Riano (eds.), Time and Eternity: The Medieval Discourse, selected papers from the International Medieval Congress, Leeds 2000 (Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2003) pp. 403-426.


Ritual & Identity in Twentieth Century American Drama, Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, XIX.2 (2005) pp. 43-70.


Light & Time: Vision, Image, Other, in Jacopo Benci, Lontana et luminoso (BSR publications, Rome, 2007) pp. 282-307.


‘Black and White Photography in China: Time as Aesthetic Genre’ / 黑白摄影在中国:时间的修辞艺术作为一种文艺流派的定义, Pixel: Journal of Photography, 5 (2010).


‘Moments of Ritual Displacement, Strategies of Being Lost’/

‘具有仪式感的替代时刻:“迷失”的策略’ in GB: MEP, Paris Exhibition Catalogue.  Languages: Chinese & English/英文,中文. Translation:欧阳宜文。(中国民族摄影艺术出版社,2016/ China Nationality Art Photography Publishing House, 2016).


‘Moments of Ritual Displacement, Strategies of Being Lost’/ ‘Instants de déplacement rituel : stratégies de l’être-perdu’ in GB: MEP Paris Exhibition Catalogue (Maison  European de la Photographie: Contrasto, Artron, 2016).






Mimesis: Architecture, the Beautiful & Sublime (Hypsosis Press, 2008).


The Industrial Aesthetic: 798 & D-Park (Hypsosis Press, 2009) with photographs by Yu Fengge. Limited Edition.


A Rhetoric of Time in the Arts: Entropy, Eternity & Utopia in Visual Culture (Lambert Academic Press, 2011).


Beijing Solarscape: A Visual Anthropology (GRIN Verlag, 2012).


Mimesis/Anti-Mimesis (GRIN Verlag, 2013). 2nd Ed.


William Faulkner: An Aesthetics of Transgression (Hypsosis, Amazon, 2014).


On Being Human: Twelve Meditations with an Afterword on ‘Boredom’ (GRIN Verlag, 2014).


The Industrial Aesthetic: 798 & D-Park (Hypsosis, Amazon, 2014). Photography: Yu Fengge. Bilingual; Chinese Translation by Yang Hang.


黑白照片的理论:黑白摄影在中国 (中国民族摄影艺术出版社,2016).

A Theory of Black and White Photography: Black and White Photography in China (China Nationality Art Photography Publishing House, 2016). Languages: Chinese & English/中英. Fully Illustrated.


(Visiting)The Places of the Dead: A Philosophy of Travel, (Hypsosis, Amazon, 2017).


Language and Logic; Temporality, Metaset, Recursion, (Hypsosis, Amazon, 2017).


Mimesis/Anti-Mimesis, 3rd.Ed. (Hypsosis, Amazon, 2018).


On Being Human: Twelve Meditations with an Afterword on ‘Boredom’, 2nd.Ed. (Hypsosis, Amazon, 2018).


Chinese Gardens: Poetics, Aesthetics and the Four Seasons /中国园林:诗意/审美与四季  (China Nationality Culture Publishing House/中国民族文化出版社 (2019). Chinese //). Photography: Hong Lei/ 摄影:洪磊. *Winner of ‘This Year’s Top Ten Books’ award, China Photography Magazine. Short-listed for, ‘Most Beautiful Book in China’ award.


黑白照片的理论:黑白摄影在中国, 中国民族文化出版社,再版(2019).

A Theory of Black and White Photography: Black and White Photography in China (China Nationality Culture Publishing House, Second Edition, 2020). Languages: Chinese & English/中英. Fully Illustrated.


The Double Economy: and Other Essays on Diremption. Vols I & II (Hypsosis, Amazon, 2021).

Subtitle: ‘Disjunctive Reciprocity (Knowledge at its Limits). Diremptive Isomorphisms: Contraries and Parallelisms in the Sciences, Thought, Art and Culture.  On describing and representing the world in a non-unified field or divided manifold’.


Rituality: ‘Return of Gift’ and other Essays on ‘Gift Exchange’ in the Modern World. (Hypsosis, Amazon, 2024).


The Double Economy: and Other Essays on Diremption. Vol III (Hypsosis, Amazon, 2024).


Comparative Art: East & West / 比较艺术:西方与东方 (广西师范大学/ Guanxi Teaching University Press, 2025).




Film:   Chongqing: The Disappeared City/ 重庆:消失的城市 (2020).


Photography by 蔡蔡/Sophie Cai. Full length film (in three parts) now available in English and Chinese on the Bilibili Web Portal. Rough-cut also released, episode by episode, weekly, over 6 months: comprising 3 trailers and 23 episodes. For all versions (as well as other video works by Sophie and Peter) go to: : also on Vimeo & Instagram (on Peter’s account).


Short Films:


With Nikita Sandul: Ancestral Voices (2023) Nikita Sandul, director and editor; script by Peter Nesteruk; voiceover by Matthew Crampton. Also on YouTube (on Matthew’s account).


With Sophie Cai:


Stone (English version) & 石头 (中文) (2021).


Nan Shan Garden (English version) & 南山花园 (中文) (2022).


Heaven is Boring/天坛是无聊 (2020).



Selected Others (Reviews, Exhibition Texts):



Review, Jacqueline Rose, The Haunting of Sylvia Plath, in Over Here: Reviews in American Studies, 12.1 (1992).


‘Reality & its Shadow’ (video by Jacopo Benci), programme/press release, F-EST Europe Video Art Festival, London (2003).


writ in water’, in writ in water: Ode to Mutability , Silvia Stucky (Keats-Shelley House, Rome, 2006). Text for writ in water: Ode to Mutability exhibition, in the Keats-Shelley House, Rome (Oct-Nov, 2006).


‘Lost Dreams/失梦园 Preface to Lost Childhood, Images by Yu Fengge (Beijing, 2008).


‘Emptying Space in the Fullness of Time’ Preface to Passing Time, Images by Yu Fengge (Beijing, 2009). Text for The Colour of Black exhibition, Zha Zha Gallery, Beijing, 2009.


‘The Ghost in the Machine’ Photographs by Li Yaning. Text: Silent Spaces exhibition, Jing Guang Gallery, Beijing, 2009.


‘Black, White and Blue’, Preface to Happy City, Images by Yu Fengge (Beijing, 2009).


‘Lakes and Pools/The Space Above Water’/在水一方. Curator and featured text, Peter Nesteruk. Photography: Yu Fengge. Translation: Yang Hang. Calligraphy: Li Yaning. Zha Zha Gallery, Beijing, 2010.





                                                Copyright 2009, 2016,  Peter Nesteruk